Roofing in The Woodlands Texas

Flashing is one of the most important, yet overlooked parts of your entire roofing installation. This material covers the corners and crevices on your roof along with the edges of the roofing material when properly installed by experienced roofing services. When flashing is damaged or falls off, you could experience leaks that require roofing repair. Fortunately, you can avoid this by being sure your flashing is in place and in great shape.

The Importance of Flashing

Flashing is the trim that roofing services install in angled corners on your roof as well as where roofing materials butt up against chimneys, vents, skylights, and other protrusions. Its sole purpose is to act as a sealant over these edges, as they are otherwise hard to keep watertight.

When flashing is properly and securely installed, it is the finishing touch that makes the top of your home watertight. Yet if the flashing is not correctly installed, falls off, or is damaged, you may end up with leaks. These leaks may go undetected for a long time before there are any obvious signs that a roofing repair is needed. By this point, the damage in these areas may be extensive.

Look for Signs of Flashing Damage

Damaged or missing flashing is a common source of leaks that often result in significant damage to roofing installations. These problems can easily go unnoticed if flashing is not carefully monitored. As a homeowner, the best thing you can do to prevent any issues is to perform a monthly visual inspection of your home, paying particular attention to flashing.

Use binoculars if necessary to view the flashing installed around all vents and exhaust pipes. Look at the valleys where your roof angle changes and around your chimney if you have one. This is especially important to do after a storm or heavy winds that may damage or blow off the flashing.

Arrange for Periodic Roof Inspections

Keeping an eye on your flashing is helpful in detecting obvious problems that require roofing repair. Yet this does not replace the need to have your roof regularly inspected by experienced roofing services. It is not uncommon for contractors to go up on a roof to view flashing that looks perfect from the ground, only to find that the sealant has failed and there is hidden damage from years of slow leaking.

A closer inspection performed by a trained professional who knows how and where most leaks begin is always your best option. By hiring experts to take a look, any damaged or missing flashing that is discovered can be quickly repaired.

The important thing to remember is that as insignificant as it may seem, you should never underestimate the importance of flashing. Without this material, your roofing system cannot do its job in keeping your home watertight. It could be more likely that you will experience some kind of damage that demands roofing repair.

The best idea is to work with qualified roofing services who can thoroughly inspect your flashing to ensure it is in good shape or replace it if necessary. Sometimes it is the little details like flashing that make the difference in keeping your home protected against the elements!

Seeking Roofing Services In The Woodlands Texas?

GMA Restoration Can Keep Your Flashing Intact!

Call (832) 410-4633!