Roofing Services in The Woodlands Texas

Roofs are designed to last for a long time. When correctly installed by professional roofing services, most materials will last between 20 and 50 years, with some lasting even as long as 100 years. When roofs fail to live up to their lifespan, it is usually due to a few of the same common problems.

Home and building owners can avoid having to call emergency roofing companies by being aware of 5 common failures listed below and dealing with them promptly. When left unrepaired, these seemingly minor issues can cause widespread damage that will eventually ruin the entire system.

1. Flashing Problems

Flashing is one of the most common sources of problems with any roof system. Since flashing protects and seals vulnerable corners, seams, and edges, any missing or loose flashing invites water in. If flashing is improperly applied or not sealed in the right way, it can fail and lead to more significant future failures. Emergency roofing companies often deal with the damage caused by problems with the flashing.

2. Blisters, Wrinkles, and Splitting

Issues like bubbling and splitting is common with both membrane and shingle systems alike and can result in extreme damage if water often gets under these areas. Bubbles in the membrane or shingles indicate areas where the material is not evenly affixed to the decking. Once these areas pop or start to leak, water can seep underneath and begin the slow process of saturating and decomposing the decking. Wrinkles in membrane material occur when shifting of the decking or underlayment occurs and is a similar failure seen by roofing services. This causes the membrane to bunch up and pucker, eventually creasing and splitting which allows water to penetrate.

3. Punctures and Penetrations

Punctures through the protective material are another common source of failures, whether they are caused by debris or someone walking on the roof. Even small nail holes can let in enough water that causes extensive damage over time. Skylights and other objects that protrude through the roof are another source of leaks. These penetrations provide an easy way for water to get in when not sealed or covered with properly installed flashing.

4. Roof System Fasteners

For roof systems that require fasteners, it is essential that roofing services install them properly according to manufacturer’s instructions. Fasteners that are too tight can cause splitting and other similar damage around them, inviting leaks. Fasteners that are applied too loosely allow the material to shift as the wind blows. Constant shifting causes wear at the fastener holes, which can result in leaks or even parts of the roof being blown off if the wind can get under the panels.

5. Poor Maintenance and Neglect

Even though the top of a home or building is largely out of sight, neglecting the roof is one of the fastest ways to ensure that some kind of failure will cause widespread damage and shorten its life. Each roofing system requires its own type of maintenance to reach its full lifespan. Most calls to emergency roofing companies can be avoided by providing the required maintenance every roof needs to keep it in good condition. Be sure that potential problems are dealt with promptly before they become bigger issues.

By understanding the reasons referenced above as to why most roofs fail, home and building owners can easily watch for problems that may result in damage. In situations where checking these things is not easily done, routine inspections performed by professional roofing services is all that is necessary. If and when concerns arise, they can then be easily repaired before a failure occurs and anyone needs to call emergency roofing companies!

Looking For Roofing Services In The Woodlands Texas?

GMA Restorations Can Handle Your Roofing Needs!

Call (832) 410-4633!