Roofs in Kingwood Texas

Hail is one of the most damaging natural elements that can quickly destroy your home's roof. These balls of ice that can be as large as grapefruit pummel roofs, causing massive damage to shingles, tiles, and metal panels.

If you live in an area that sees a fair amount of hail storms, impact resistant shingles may be a good option. Impact resistant shingles provide a greater level of protection to homes in storm-prone areas and are available from most shingle roof services.

How Hail Causes Damage to Roofs

When storms bring hail, the damage to homes and other buildings can be astronomical. Although hailstones can range in size from finer, gravel-like pellets to balls four inches or more in diameter, they are all capable of causing damage to roofs in a variety of ways.

Smaller hail can cause wear to the protective granule coating on standard shingles, while the impact from larger hail can cause dents, tears and cracks in shingles, eliminating or reducing its protective ability.

In addition, since hail damage is not always obvious, many homeowners only realize it is there when they begin to experience leaks or after more serious problems with their decking and roof structure.

In either case, hail results in widespread damage every year in the U.S. Insurance companies report it to be one of the most significant causes of roofing damage as well as a major reason for rising insurance premiums. Standard asphalt shingles are a durable option in roofing material; however, even they can be damaged by hail and need replacing by shingle roof services.

What Are Impact Resistant Shingles?

Impact resistance is the amount of impact that different roofing materials can withstand before suffering hail damage. All asphalt shingles are rated in terms of their impact resistance, with Class 4 rated materials the most protective. Since 1997, some manufacturers have been producing impact resistant options that are designed specifically to protect against devastating hail damage.

Class 4 rated asphalt shingles are more flexible than other varieties because they are partially constructed from rubber. This gives them the ability to absorb the impact of hail hitting roofs without sustaining tears, breaks, or dents. They are sold by most shingle roof services and installed just like any other type of asphalt shingle while providing more durability against the effects of hail.

Are Impact Resistant Shingles For You?

Impact resistant shingles cost more than standard options; however, they usually pay for themselves in reduced lifetime roof damage. They greatly reduce the chance of widespread and expensive hail damage, both today and in the future. These type of shingles are a wise investment in hail-prone areas and come highly recommended by most insurance companies. Some companies may even offer premium discounts if you replace your roof with this more protective option.

Impact resistant shingles are an option that you should consider when the time comes to replace your roof. The weather is very unpredictable in many regions where destructive hailstorms are more prevalent. One of the best ways you can reduce your risk of costly hail damage is by having Class 4 impact resistant shingles installed by local shingle roof services. You will be glad you did once the next big storm blows through!

Got A Hail Damaged Roof In Tomball Texas?

GMA Restoration Installs Impact Resistant Shingles!

Call (832) 410-4633!